Friday 26 March 2010

Mistaken Others for Someone Else.

The case of mistaken identity.
Always the case.
Always wrong.
And highly lethal in high doses.
Can prove fatal.
Very fatal.
Almost intoxicatingly like poison
to the heart.
And a true reflection of the incapabilities of the
human condition to be truly aware of one's thoughts
and actions.
Above the call of duty some would say.
Truly immeasurable and a totally diabolical state to be in.
Move on grow up get living!

Start Seeing the Magic in Life.

Sea is the answer
the waves are where
I be free.

I was tempted by the devil and had fallen into my fate.

One of the paths led me to an infestation and an image of the devil and I fell pray to it's temptation and fate swallowed me up; the result is a rape of my weakness but my desire.

Upon reflection after watching, 'The Witches of Eastwick'. I had never sat down and watched the whole of this film and being tired and recovering from flu gives you the time to digest, ingest and let what may relax your thoughts and being flat out on the sofa.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

When Separation Is The Only Answer.

Is separation the only answer?
To move-on yes.
When things have got so ugly and bad and stagnated.
The only best thing to do is to move-on.
When all areas have been covered and talked about.
And both parties reach stalemate.
Then the only obvious solution is to call it a day.
This isn't the easiest of decisions to make.
Not at all.
It can break your heart in two.
Like it did mine.
And you have to move-on.
And this can take it's time.
You don't know how long it will take the time to heal.
I have done some crazy things, and found myself in the most
unusual situations to help my heart heal.
The things we go through for love and the things we go through
to get-over it.
We may fool ourselves one day we wake up and think the pain has gone.
And then you find yourself days in bed in tears wondering where all the
lost years have gone and why I felt such a failure, and let everyone and my family down.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel.
It shimmers hope in the dark dimensions of time.
Oh dreary time, the law-enforcement of the heart.
Where the soul wants to be free, it constrains you to look at the pain.
Then you shift your view ever so slightly in time when the time comes.
And then time can be your companion to help you plan and surf life's waves.
Your emotions come into check and slowly but assuredly moments
glimmer to promise you that all but slowly things are beginning to feel
okay again.
I wouldn't want to wish it on anyone to have to go through a separation
it is like a mourning of a part of your self.
And you have to re-arrange that part of yourself and dig deep and find
another part of yourself to make the whole you again whole.
Maybe you missed something along the way, and you have to piece together
a broken you.
I remember it came to me, I suddenly felt light again like I could deal with the
life outside, I felt true and I felt light again. And I felt okay with myself
and where I was and where I was at and where I wanted to be.
And where I still want to go!
Although it feels like that at the time.
I think life doesn't end, you have to find the start from where you're coming from.

This writing is dedicated to my friend Yuen Ling.

When you can't see a happy future together and there is no trust left it's time to go.

After-shock : I made the right decision.